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Final Draft Version 11. The industry standard: powerful word processing, professional script formatting, and other tools.


Blacker, Ben. The Writer’s Panel PODCAST.This long-running series moderated by Ben covers the process and business of writing with professional writers from the worlds of TV, film, comic books, music, and novels.


Landau, Neil. TV Writing on Demand: Creating Great Content in the Digital Era. Focal Press (February 1, 2018). This book is a course in the creation of entertainment that does more than meet the standards of modern audiences―it challenges their expectations.

Landau, Neil. TV Outside the Box: Trailblazing in the Digital Television Revolution. Focal Press (December 24, 2015). Featuring in-depth conversations with game-changing content creators, industry mavericks, and cultural influencers.


Landau, Neil. The Screenwriter’s Roadmap: 21 Ways to Jumpstart Your Story. Focal Press (October 4, 2012). Includes interviews with successful screenwriters like David Koepp, David S. Goyer, Tony Gilroy, and many more.



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Creative Visions: a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports creative activists, those that use the arts and media to ignite social change. Creative Visions facilitates our scholarship programs as a fiscal sponsor, and seeks to support other projects that drive positive change through storytelling.

ETB Screenwriting: website from author, teacher, and consultant Laurie Hutzler, creator of the Emotional Toolbox to help you create compelling characters to drive your story.

iPitch.TV offers a next generation platform for creators of original pitches for TV, film & digital to connect with Hollywood producers and executives and gives creators industry advice on how to pitch a television show or feature film.

No Budget Film School: Mark Stolaroff has designed a series of classes specifically for the no budget filmmaker, whether he or she is working with a budget of $200,000 or $2,000.

Sensitivity Reviews: Use this database to find Cultural Consultants and Sensitivity Readers in specific niches. Navigate to the home page if you’re interested in becoming one.

Writing the Other: Creating characters that reflect the diversity of the world is important for all creators of fictional narratives. Learn to write characters very different from you sensitively and convincingly.


Ackerman, Hal. Write Screenplays That Sell… The Ackerman Way. Tallfellow Press (September 2003). Insights and coaching from the longtime Co-Chair of the UCLA screenwriting program.

Bennett, Xander. Screenwriting Tips, You Hack: 150 Practical Pointers for Becoming a Better Screenwriter. Focal Press; 1 edition (September 28, 2011). No nonsense yet thoughtful advice from an industry insider.

Egri, Lagos. The Art of Dramatic Writing. Merricat Publications (November 24, 2009). Written for playwrights, but the lessons apply to screenwriting, too.


Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. Anchor Books (September 1, 1995). Charming guidance and reflections to help writers find their voice and overcome their demons.

Russin, Robin & William Missouri Downs. Screenplay: Writing the Picture, 2nd edition. Silman-James Press (July 1, 2012). A complete screenwriting course in a book, covering research, plotting and structure, theme, character development, dialogue, writing and rewriting methods, formatting, marketing and pitching, and more.


Stern, Leonard & Diane L. Robison. A Martian Wouldn’t Say That: Memos TV Execs Wish They Hadn’t Written. Tallfellow Press (September 1, 2000). On the lighter side, a pamphlet compiling some of the most absurd notes ever given by film and TV executives.


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