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PageCraft Code of Conduct

Our programs provide training and mentoring for screenwriters. Our workshop and lab leaders provide services in a consulting capacity, independent of any other companies with which they may be affiliated.

The interaction and feedback among writers is part of the value of PageCraft programs. We endeavor to ensure that our labs and workshops are a safe place to collaborate and share. Therefore, we ask participants:

  • To treat all program leaders and participants with kindness and respect.
  • To be open to constructive feedback, and to be willing to provide such feedback to others.
  • To offer notes, feedback, and advice to other participants aligned with their visions for their stories.
  • To be mindful when making comments about sensitive experiences and identities with which you do not have personal experience.
  • To approach program leaders before presenting material that may cause discomfort to other participants.
  • To participate fully, with cameras turned on, in interactive online screenwriting workshops such as Concept to Pages and Writing Is Rewriting. (We are happy to discuss individual needs that might require exceptions.)
  • To respect any rules or guidelines set by our workshop/lab leaders in contacting them outside of the context of our PageCraft programs.
  • Not to add any workshop/lab leaders or participants to mailing lists without obtaining their prior consent.
  • Not to disseminate, distribute, copy, or otherwise imitate story and script ideas or content shared by participants or workshop/lab leaders without obtaining their prior consent.

PageCraft reserves the right to refuse service or remove participants for any reason, including failure to conform to any of the above guidelines. In such a circumstance, any relevant cancellation policy will apply, and PageCraft is not responsible or liable for any costs incurred, including (but not limited to) travel expenses. This policy applies to all our programs, including residential writing labs and online workshops.

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